How To Find Us

From the M6

  • leave the M6 at Junction 31 (signed Preston / Clitheroe / Blackburn) and take the A677 towards Blackburn
  • keep straight on through the first set of traffic lights, and travel towards Blackburn for a few miles until you approach the next set of traffic lights
  • stay in the left hand lane and turn left onto the A6119 (ring road) - you are now on an uphill climb
  • keep straight on through the next two sets of traffic lights
  • after the second set of traffic lights move into the right hand lane
  • as you approach the next set of lights (delay at traffic lights on right hand lane), you must now turn hard right towards Blackburn centre on the A666
  • one mile towards Blackburn you will see a railway bridge over the road
  • we are on the left hand side immediately before the bridge

From the M65

  • leave the M65 at Junction 6
  • as you come to the roundabout at Whitebirk, take the exit signposted for Blackburn with a green background (A6119 ring road)
  • pass a Mercedes car dealership on the left, through 2 sets of lights, under a bridge
  • you are now on an uphill climb with several sets of traffic lights. continue straight on until the road starts to drop downhill
    • at the next set of traffic lights turn left into Emerald Avenue
    • continue to the bottom of Emerald Avenue (On Yer Bike cycle shop is opposite)
    • turn left onto the A666 towards Blackburn centre
    • three-quarters of a mile towards Blackburn you will see a railway bridge over the road
    • we are on the left hand side immediately before the bridge

    From Darwen and Bolton

    from the North (Skipton etc.)

    • follow the A59 south until you meet the Petre roundabout.
    • take the second exit off the roundabout (A666 towards Blackburn)
    • keep straight on through the first two sets of traffic lights
    • when you reach the third set of traffic lights
    • stay in the left hand lane and keep straight on over the roundabout, following signs for the town centre and Darwen
    • one mile towards Blackburn you will see a railway bridge over the road
    • we are on the left hand side immediately before the bridge.